Discovering the Past

Indie production - Edutaiment game

Product description:
Isabella – The Secret Recipes is a concept design for an edutainment game, which aims to illustrate the work of alchemist women in ordinary people’s lives during the 16th century in Venice. The edutaiment game unifies several fields of research such as history and art history, social history and scientific study. The concept is based on the Italian woman alchemist Isabella Cortese‘s book
I segreti della Isabella Cortese, neQvali si contengono cofe minerali, medicinali, arteficiose & alchemiche” which was published in 1584. The book was a success in its time.

Winner of Art & Design Contest at NEM, 2011
Implementing future internet,Price given by European Commision Information and Media Society.
Jury The list of jury members includes:
Jean-Dominique Meunier (Technicolor), 
Roger Torrenti (Sigma Orionis) 
Pierre-Yves Danet (Orange) 
Bartolome Arroyo Fernandez (European Commission) 
Jovanka Adzic (Telecom Italia) 
Maria Grazie Girotto (Museo del Cinema) 
Bob Sumner (Disney) 
Rowena Goldman (BBC) 

Jyry statement: "During the closing session, an award was delivered to the piece of art that makes the most innovative use of networks and media to Virva Emilia Auvinen ( for her work on “Isabella – The Secret Recipes” that blended real historic references into a beautifully illustrated game concept that makes history and learning come alive for children."

2012 NEM summit, Istanbul, Turkey
Presenting the working prototype. Interactive prototype: Valerio Angelini

2012 Art, Science & ICT event and exhibition at Galerie Libre Cours, Bruxelles, Belgium
 invited by European Commission Information Society and Media Future and Emerging Technologies section to the to the event to mentoring about storytelling in ICT field. Moreover exhibition at Galerie Libre Cours, Brussels, Belgium 

The original book


Concept illustrations

Concept illustrations

Wining the NEM contest 2012, Torino, Italy

Prototype on iPad

Exhibition Galerie Libre Cours, 2012 Brussels, Belgium

Presenting prototype,
2012 Istanbul,Turkey