How you life changes and what to expect living whit a preschooler. You can find some stories bellow in the blog and more in a booklet or ebook. The booklet is in English.
The end of an era
Moments you’ll treasure.
I love my mommy
Only your child gives you unconditional love.
Forget all the fancy tricks to convince him to eat new food.
Just give him time and let him discover new flavors for himself.
Life’s deeper questions
One day he realizes that as he grows up, his mother will grow older.
Opinions may differ
Tidy is a relative concept.
There’s a moment when your child realizes that friends are not always forever.
Walking Wikipedia
Be ready to give exhausting answers to any kind of troubling questions from science to math
and accept that some times you really do not know how to answer.
Some things are strictly confidential, for one parent only.
Conforting hug
When it all seems just too frightening, take a deep breath and give him a reassuring hug.
Finding the seat
No hope of being offered a sear anymore.
Your new name
From now on, you’re Olli’s mother. Live with it.
The playlist
Somehow your playlist is mostly nursery rhymes and fairy stories.
5 minutes more
you expected to find a weeping, desperately unhappy child but instead he’s happily at play. You suddenly realize you’re not the only companionship option.
His best friend
His favorite teddy bear knows more secrets than you do!
Repeat, again and again and again
The daily refrain.
Launching your singer career
You wonder who’s most embarrassed by your singing: you, your child, or santa!
Dedicated to all parents performing during holidays.
Subtle strategies are a surefire way of scaring off creepy monsters.